Seb Lee-Delisle Actionscript Games , Physics and Papervision3D About Seb Conferences Games Training Courses Tutorials Guides AIR for Android first steps Top Cat music game on FlashPlayer on Nexus1 I hate to say it but not many Plug-in Media projects are optimised for low end machines . We usually squeeze every bit of performance out of Flash to fill every part of the screen with crazy 3D , pixels and video But We found one that works really well And it works well for two reasons It doesn’t stretch the processor unlike our Papervision3D projects like Big and Small and Zingzillas All of its interactions are via the mouse unlike our games that are usually controlled with the cursor keys I reckon we could probably even squeeze a bit more speed out of it with judicious use of cacheAsBitmap ,
I am not bashing what anyone bid, that's their own bid and like you mentioned it depends on the individual. I said I would do it for that much and fel…
For 1), I'm not sure on the legality, but I doubt many people would object to you trying to drive more traffic to their game, Plus, there are a huge n…
I would appreciate such an extension. At the moment I avoid some game designs, because I hate it to switch between mouse and keyboard over and over ag…
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In this Quick Look, we’re highlighting Better Facebook. Here’s how the developer has described Better Facebook.
Better Facebook is a browser extension for Firefox, Chrome, Safari, or [...]
I suppose for future flexibility, should the project prove successful enough, you could start off hosting the database, new levels or the level editor…
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RPGDX has a new not-a-contest going in about 3 weeks. Make an RPG in a week with the theme “Alternate History.” This sounds really, really cool. Dunno if I can afford to participate or not, but I really want to.
Details here
Start dreaming up ideas for “What If” scenarios now…
In my last post I mentioned that it should be possible to make a 3D globe in JavaScript using three.js. I was even considering putting it together myself but I didn’t need to because the awesome Mr Doob stepped in to prove it!
Sadly I’m only seeing 1 frame per second right now in both [...]
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Seb Lee-Delisle Actionscript Games , Physics and Papervision3D About Seb Conferences Games Training Courses Tutorials Guides Papervision3D training on 3D globe in JavaScript with three.js Apple buys 3D Flash app I just found this article about Apple acquiring 3D mapping company Poly9, whose site has been taken down since the acquisition . As far as I can tell , the French-Candian Poly9 is most well known for their in-browser 3D globe that on the surface looks like a JavaScript library but is actually Flash albeit with HTML overlays The right-click menu has been sneakily hi-jacked so it’s quite well disguised , although I’d recognise those scroll bars anywhere and of course check the generated source to see the Flash object embed tag I’d be very interested to see what Apple are
When I was a young boy I always wanted to grow up to become a professional website designer. A few decades later reality hit and made me realize that my dream would never come into fruition. But, I wasn’t depressed at all because I found Greasemonkey. With Greasemonkey I could become a web designer for [...]
Now that you know how to code an HTML5 page, you might want to add some styling to it. So in continuing with the series, we are bringing you a video to add some styling to your HTML5 page using CSS/CSS3. As with anything else in life, styling an HTML5 layout is very simple and [...]